no do you have depth
See what I like to do is always add a little touch of depth in my walk when I'm taking pictures of my models. It makes them look more important then everything eles in the picture. The settings on this first photo is with my Fstop being F/5.6, my shuter being at 1/100 and the ISO at 3200
With this next photo what you could usually do is make the aperture a smaller number to let in more light but not today, see I wanted more stuff to be clearing on the subject so of the walk with the depth my settings on this was Fstop being F/11, my shuter being at 1/50 and the ISO at 3200
This last photo see I like to make things real nice I wanted everything in focus in the picture. the location I had picked was not the best for this situation so In this photo I had my settings Fstop being F/25, my shuter being at 1/20 and the ISO at 6400